
Tank for wine

Tank for wine

Tank for wine

Fme specializes in manufacturing tanks and vinifiers specifically designed for the enological sector, catering to the storage, fermentation, and transformation of wines.

Our range includes the following types:

  1. STORAGE TANKS AND ALWAYS FULL TANKS: our STK and SP series tanks are ideal for simple wine storage. The "always full" version offers variable capacities within the tank, providing flexibility in wine storage options.

  2. PARTIAL THERMO CONDITIONED TANKS: the TP series tanks feature a partial cooling/heating interspace on the plating. With a high-density isolating layer and a welded stainless steel outer jacket, these tanks are well-suited for vinifying red wines and conducting malolactic fermentation.

  3. TOTAL THERMO CONDITIONED TANKS: our TT series tanks are equipped with a cooling/heating interspace covering the entire surface of the plating. These tanks are fully covered with a thick (80mm) high-density isolating layer and an outer jacket made of stainless steel. They provide a large interspace and excellent insulation, making them particularly suitable for ensuring tartaric stability in wines.

  4. TESTED AUTOCLAVES: the AC series tanks are specifically designed for the production of sparkling wines. These tanks are engineered to work under pressure (6 bar) and feature a cooling interspace covering the entire surface of the plating. They are insulated with a thick (80mm) high-density layer and a welded stainless steel outer jacket.

  5. HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL VINIFIERS: our VO and VV series vinifiers are designed for the vinification of red wines. They are equipped with an impeller stirrer with paddles, ensuring optimal extraction of color and organoleptic substances from the grapes. This vinification system offers superior extraction efficiency while reducing labor requirements compared to traditional methods.

With our range of tanks and vinifiers, Fme provides the enological sector with reliable and efficient solutions for wine storage, fermentation, and transformation. Whether you require storage tanks, thermally conditioned tanks, tested autoclaves, or vinifiers, we have the right equipment to meet your specific needs.

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About Fme

With a global presence and a focus on customer-centric solutions, FME remains at the forefront of the ever-evolving food processing industry.

Wyżne 261A, 38-120 | Wyżne - Poland



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