

Intro alt text

Vacuum degasser TEC110

Introducing the Vacuum Degasser by Fme, a specialized solution for degassing juices and purees of fruit...

Vertical bowl JPB206 - YPB206

Introducing the Vertical Bowl by Fme, a versatile solution designed for cooking, degassing, and concent...

Vertical destoner F64

Introducing Fme's Separation Machine, a reliable solution designed to effectively remove stones, soil, ...

Vertical mixer/preparator for creams

Introducing Fme's CP Series Cream Mixers, designed to achieve optimal and uniform mixing for a wide ran...

Vibrating tables S31 - S32 - S33

Introducing Fme's Vibrating Tables, designed for multiple purposes such as eliminating product scraps, ...

Washing machine with agitating action L4

Introducing Fme's Agitating Washing Machines, designed for efficient and versatile product washing. ...

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About Fme

With a global presence and a focus on customer-centric solutions, FME remains at the forefront of the ever-evolving food processing industry.

Wyżne 261A, 38-120 | Wyżne - Poland



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